Friday, November 6, 2009


昨天,驾车经过观音亭看到很多人在拜拜,才想起来原来是观音诞。 记得以前每当观音诞时, 妈妈总会吩咐我去还观音契儿钱,因为我们四姐弟都是观音契儿女 。。。
今天, 既然来了就进去拜拜吧.

兜了三圈, 终于找到停车位... 下着毛毛雨, 一路走过去, 看到很多人... 有卖香的, 卖鸟的, 来拜拜的, 讨钱的, 拍照的, 很多很多人...

但是我个人就非常不鼓励去拜拜时又去放生小鸟... 因为有太多要说的"因为"了...

我本身不是一个很真诚的拜拜信徒, 所以我只是从旁门进去...
把我们姐弟的名字都写上后, 也顺便写上我侄女和侄儿的名字...

然后就过去旁边用手拜拜... "谢谢观音菩萨一路来都保佑我们一家人平安, 健康..."
近几年每当拜拜时, 都不会像以前那样... 要这个,要那个... 而是以感恩的心态去拜拜咯...

我觉得这样的心态会比较舒服得很多. 不妨您也试试看...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

勇敢的小侄儿, 你割了吗...?

上个星期,二姐发现她宝贝儿子的小鸡鸡有点不对劲... 于是过来询问了家里的几个男人是什麽问题? 当轮到我要回答时, 我只是给一个简单的答案 : “ 去看医生..."

过后, 我这个当舅舅的给这个侄儿上了一节的人体科学以及个人卫生一课...

可是医生还是说要开刀做个小手术... 割包皮.

我心里想 : "这个平时被我叫大头的胆小小侄儿会害怕吗...?"
于是我昨晚问他 : "明天要去割了吗...? 医生怎样对你说...? 怕不怕...?"
这个小家伙很快的回答我 : "不怕, 因为医生说会给我睡去, 不会痛."
"而且可以一个星期不用上学, 不用去补习..."
我心里想 : "那个讲大话的医生尽然说不痛...?"
我还打趣的问他 : "那麽也是一个星期不能玩电动咯...?"
"能...!" 小家伙很坚定的回我话...

今天早上, 乘有空就过去看看这小家伙... 我过去陪二姐在手术室外等候.
当小家伙被推出来时, 他全身发抖...
"刚做完手术是这样的..." 我告诉二姐.

看见这小家伙又冷, 又发抖, 又哭, 又像发恶梦样的...
感觉他又可怜, 又心疼, 又很勇敢...

祝这小家伙早日康复, 以后也像他舅舅那样强壮... 嘻嘻...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


最近,有个“M”字头的通讯公司要上市 ...
听说有很多人去申请,就像是一定会赚很多的 ...

老婆问我 ∶“要不要买 ...? ”
我反问回她 :“真的有那麽好吗?"
老婆说她听人说这个"M" 会来到像现在的"D"那样 ...

隔天,我的那些要赚多多又不要承担风险的顾客开始 call 来问我了... 有些问我怎样填上表格, 有些问我他们的 CDS 号码, 有些问我是不是一定会得到而又一定会赚的...
更不可思议的是有些尽然问我 : "可以来到多少钱啊...?"
我只是笑笑的说 :"如果我可以知道就不用等你来问了, 因为我一定会通知你的啦..."


晚上, 老婆又问 : " 真的不要买吗...?"
我淡淡的回话说 : " 买了你要等看是否有没有得到这个"M"股票, 然后又要再等一阵时间,那个价钱你会卖...?"
"倒不如你直接买一些有关于电讯及基建基金, 反而这基金也会投资在"M"股票的. 然而这基金又会分散投资到不一样的国家去... 不是更好吗?"
老婆当然是听老公的啦... 她说 : "那好...!"

哎呀... 如果我亲爱的顾客们都像老婆大人那麽听话, 那多好呀...!

03 Nov 2009 Achievers Meeting

After 1 month stepped down from the President of Achievers Chapter, much more relax... By winning The Best Chapter of The Year of 2009, I'm proud of all my Achievers' members & the Leadership Team who worked with me for the past 12 months (Oct 2008 - Sept 2009 ) I really not think before my chapter will win it. My conclusion is, we win not because our chapter is strong, but it is because other chapters are weak and their Leadership Team are lack of experiences... Let me put this topic aside...

Today's meeting was in low energy, only a few early birds, notice that a few new Leadership Team members are panic on their duty... Hope they will catch up the task soon. And the senior members are always be ready to give their support.

Not a bad day to me, I received 4 referral slips, 1 done deal, 1 dead, 2 to follow up... I started a Host Beneficiary Program with one of my member who is providing home service car polish. I will try to give him 1 or 2 external referrals by every week. The program started from last week, and the result is encouraging.

We will go further in the Host Beneficiary Program with other members in this week. And this is the only way to increase our business by getting more referrals in doing the less job. We are going to have our first mini meeting on tomorrow. Members who involve is myself (unit trust), Michael (car polish), Marinah (numerology) & Sean (fresh abalone)... I will update further about our outcome on this Host Beneficiary Program in the next posting...

There is a Key Leadership Team Meeting on tonight, as the Chapter Mentor, of course I have to attend it...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Achievers Meeting, 31 Mar 2009, Tuesday

Last meeting of the term. Next week onwards, new term begins... Apr 2009 to Sept 2009.
Top 3 positions remain. Most of the key LT remain. My mission is to build up more successor for next term. To create more chances for them to earn more VCP from the chapter.

Next is my challenge, I have to make sure that my NEC can perform well for the next 6 months. He is one of the pioneer in chapter, but not much involve in LT... Recently he started to get involved in LT roles... He can be a better leader, so i propose him to be part of the key LT.

It is important to keep the "balance" in a chapter... Ya, i agree... to join BNI is for business referrals... But when it reach to certain time, it might change... Members will more concern about relationship, friendship compare to business... Some of them might think that he/she should attached to one of the Business platform once he/she is in the business world. Some might thinking to have a group of reliable business people to support his/her business needs. Some might think that he/she might have not enough "true friend" in his/her actual world, so BNI Achievers can get the "true relationship" as a friend... And from time to time, business will come to secondary to them...

As LT, we have to always "remind" the members we are here for business...!

Achievers Meeting 07 Apr 2009, Tuesday

07 Apr 2009, Tuesday

First meeting of new term. Few new faces in Leadership Team. New President Script. New NEC. Emm... So far the new NEC was doing well this morning...

Before the meeting started, few of the members discussed about becoming the Leadership Team in chapter. Most of them not really want to participate due to their main reason... "We are so busy in our own business, where got time to involve in the chapter activities...?"

Well... What is the Main Reason to join BNI? To get more referrals/ business? If every member saying that they are busy on their own business, then nobody will lead the chapter and who will get business from the chapter? Now who is the farmer & hunter? As long as they are good follower, chapter will always in the "Balance" situation...

Celebrating 6th Anniversary of Achievers Chapter with a simple cake cutting, group photo. One of the member asked me why that is no outside celebration like kind of dinner or what... I just smile to him...

2 absent this morning, 1 member fall to sick and 1 absent without reason for continuously 2 weeks... In fact he told me he plans to quit from the group. I asked him to stay at least till the membership due. He just smiled to me...

According to him, he did not get enough business/referrals from the group. I was so queries then why he renewed his membership 5 months ago...? Of course that is no right or wrong in this world. Maybe this is call quick reaction in the business world... But I still feel that we must put more effort to build the relationship then the business will come automatically. One typical example I see in the chapter is our Will Writer. He didn't get even many referrals for his first 18 months in the chapter. But recently I can see he started to give Thank You Notes.

To get business in BNI Achievers, you really got to be a farmer & good follower...

Hosting Event on 11 Apr 2009, Saturday

Another hosting in Achievers Chapter... It might be a taboo to some of the members, but it had been another productive activity to some new members in term of VCP (Visibility, Creditability, Profitability)

The event is host by 4 members as the main speakers, and it was planned since last year... Till last month, we manage to "kick start" the event by finalised the list of speakers...

Briefing, printing tickets, announcement, promoting, rehearsing, slides preparations, inviting visitors, room arrangement, create "air time" for other members, setting up the mini exhibition room, F&B, etc...

It was a busy week for me just before the hosting date. Luckily I only need to help a speaker to prepare his presentation slides and not asked to help for all the 4 speakers... Helping to setup the rooms, all the tiny jobs during preparations...

In the process... you can see the participating of the 4 speakers, they really go all out to invite the visitors, prepare their slides, F&B, ticketing & etc... And of course we break another record of having hosting in Achievers Chapter.

For the past few years, we experienced various of hosting event... We did have "First Time" hosting, "Wrong Location" hosting, "Only 3 Visitors" hosting, "Only Members' Spouse" hosting...
Last year end, we did a better hosting... That was the turning point to the members, because they started to see the results... The result of the number of visitors, the result of translating them to referrals...

Ya... sometime, not every body will get the results immediately from the hosting... That's why not all members will participate in this kind of activities... And there is a group of member who give full participation in the activities but didn't get the immediately results (referrals) too... Is this called "Givers Gain" or "Farming Business"...? Am I belonging to the group? Then I have to repositioning myself...

14 Apr 2009 Tuesday Meeting

Sharing on the results of hosting event on last Saturday, 14 Apr 2009... 52 visitors, generating 47 referrals... To Achievers Chapter, it is an encouragement! Well done...!

But I'm not sure what is the quality of the referrals... Members might put high expectation on it especially the new members. I personally feel that we still can improve on the "feed back form" session.

Overall the energy level of this morning meeting was a bit low... Few members absent, no visitors... It is already 2 weeks no visitors so far... A warning signal to Achievers... I'm not sure the rest of the leaders notice this or not... But I can confirm, at least 2 weeks in the row no visitors in the meeting...

Is it because of the meeting is too small & too pack to members who are sitting at the back? With themselves also feel not comfortable then how are they going to invite visitor to experience the uncomfortable environment... 25 members meeting only arrange with 24 seats...! Expecting not a full attendance with no visitors???

I hope that is my "miss judgement" on Achievers members not inviting visitors...


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